Publications by WoBio members

Friebes G, Gallé A, Greilhuber I, Michelitsch S. Ergänzungen zur Funga der Steiermark 3. Joannea Botanik. 2022;18:5-51.

Greilhuber I, Winklbauer G. Macromycete diversity of mapping areas in the Nationalpark Danube in the Lobau in 2017 - changes compared to 1981-1990. In Conference Volume 7th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 7 to 9 September 2022. Vienna. 2022. p. 158-162

Greilhuber I. Natur in Währing. In Pilze und Schleimpilze. Biosphärenpark Wienerald Management GmbH . 2022. p. 30-31

Pourmoghaddam MJ, Lampert C, Voglmayr H, Khodaparast SA, Greilhuber I, Stadler M. Note on the genus Nemania (Xylariaceae) – first records and a new species of the genus from Iran. Mycokeys. 2022;93(93):81-105. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.93.94148

Mosquera D, Fessl B, Anchundia D, Heyer E, Leuba C, Nemeth E et al. The invasive parasitic fly Philornis downsi is threatening Little Vermilion Flycatchers on the Galápagos Islands. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 2022;17(1):6. doi: 10.5751/ACE-02040-170106