Publications by WoBio members

Showing entries 631 - 637 out of 637
Aigner L, Greilhuber I. Non timber forest products: an ethnomycological study on mushroom knowledge in the Waldviertel (Austria). 2016. Paper presented at StarTree Conference Wild Forest, Barcelona, Spain.

COST Action FP-1203 Non-Wood Forest Products, Greilhuber I. Non Timber Forest Products Linguistic Diversity. The case of Mushrooms.. 2016. Paper presented at StarTree Conference Wild Forest, Barcelona, Spain.

Adlassnig W, Supukovic J, Koller-Peroutka M, Edlinger M, Wessely R, Lang I et al.. Nutrient uptake in pygmy sundew: implications for the evolution of carnivorous snap traps. 2016. Paper presented at 21st Meeting Austrian Society of Plant Biology (ATSPB), Berchtesgaden, Germany.

Passauer U, Greilhuber I. Pilze in Höhlen. In Spötl C, Plan L, Christian E, editors, Höhlen und Karst in Österreich. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz. 2016. p. 211 - 225. (Denisia, Vol. 37).

Cheng X, Lang I, Griffing L. The nature of the association of the endoplasmatic reticulum with the cytoskeleton during plasmolysis. 2016. Paper presented at SEB 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Showing entries 631 - 637 out of 637