Publications by WoBio members

Schleper C. Wie ist das Leben entstanden? . 2020.

Gorczak M, Siedlecki I, Blocka Z, Cullen M, Daniele I, Fox HS et al. 18th congress of european mycologists bioblitz 2019 – naturalists contribute to the knowledge of mycobiota and lichenobiota of białowieża primeval forest. Acta Mycologica. 2020;55(2):1-26. 55211. doi: 10.5586/am.55211

Bonet JA, Egli S, Greilhuber I, Bouriaud L, Castano C, Colinas C et al. 6. The importance of mushrooms & truffles. In Vacik H, Hale M, Spiecker H, Pettenella D, Margarida Tome M, editors, Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe: Ecology and management of mushrooms, tree products, understory plants and animal products. 1 ed. Norderstedt: Verlag BoD - Books on Demand. 2020

Schleper C. Mein Element: Stickstoff uni:view - Das Online-Magazin der Universität Wien. 2019.

Milojevic T, Koelbl D, Ferriere L, Albu M, Kish A, Flemming RL et al. Exploring the microbial biotransformation of extraterrestrial material on nanometer scale. Scientific Reports. 2019 Dec 2;9(1):18028. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-54482-7

Cardini U, Bartoli M, Lücker S, Mooshammer M, Polzin J, Lee R et al. Chemosymbiotic bivalves contribute to the nitrogen budget of seagrass ecosystems. The ISME Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology. 2019 Dec;13(12):3131-3134. Epub 2019 Aug 8. doi: 10.1038/s41396-019-0486-9

Kshitiz, Afzal J, Maziarz JD, Hamidzadeh A, Liang C, Erkenbrack EM et al. Evolution of placental invasion and cancer metastasis are causally linked. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2019 Dec;3(12):1743-1753. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-1046-4