Publications by WoBio members
Showing entries 61 - 75 out of 638
Kleindorfer S, Heger B, Tohl D, Frigerio D, Hemetsberger J, Fusani L et al. Cues to individuality in Greylag Goose faces: algorithmic discrimination and behavioral field tests. Journal of Ornithology. 2024 Jan;165(1):27-37. Epub 2023 Sept 27. doi: 10.1007/s10336-023-02113-4
Stadtmauer D, Basanta S, Maziarz J, Cole A, Dagdas G, Rae Smith G et al. Comparative single cell analysis reveals complex patterns of cell type and cell signaling innovations at the fetal-maternal interface. bioRxiv. 2024. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.01.591945
Lampert H, Acar I, Tekpinar AD, Fortin G, Ivanushkina N, Jacobs K et al. Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 10. Sydowia: an international journal of mycology. 2024;76:297-365. doi: 10.12905/0380.sydowia76-2024-0297
Anchundia Gonzalez DJ, Green R, Pike C, Gutiérrez G, Pibaque P, Chango R et al. Habitat restoration to conserve the Little Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus nanus on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Bird Conservation International. 2024;34:1-10. e14.
Basanta S, Stadtmauer D, Maziarz J, McDonough-Goldstein C, Cole A, Dagdas G et al. Hallmarks of uterine receptivity predate placental mammals. bioRxiv. 2024. doi: 10.1101/2024.11.04.621939
Ibl V, Peters J, Stoger E, Arcalís E. Imaging the ER and Endomembrane System in Cereal Endosperm. In Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 2772. Humana Press, Inc. 2024. p. 249-260. (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2772). doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3710-4_18
Horn-Péter L, Veres-Székely A. Innovatív módszerek kidolgozása kisgyermekek szociális és érzelmi készségeinek mérésére és fejlesztésére 2024.
Zwetko P, Scheuer C, Greilhuber I, Blanz P. Melampsoraceae and related families, Gymnosporangiaceae, Ochropsoraceae, Phragmidiaceae, Tranzscheliaceae, and Genera incertae sedis. Biosystematics and Ecology. 2024;3:e123592. doi: 10.1553/biosystecol.3.e123592
Iqbal A, Sarwar S, Greilhuber I, Sajad T, Fiaz M, Hanif M. Molecular phylogeny and phenology reveal a new fungistic record of Pseudoomphalina khanspurensis (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Pakistan. Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology. 2024;57(08):131-140. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13283275
Haillot E, Lebedeva T, Steger J, Montenegro Cabrera JD, Cole A, Technau U. Notch, β-catenin and MAPK signaling segregate endoderm and mesoderm in the diploblast Nematostella vectensis. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2024.
Stengelin R, Bohn M, Sánchez-Amaro A, Haun D, Thiele M, Daum M et al. Responsible research is also concerned with generalizability: Recognizing efforts to reflect upon and increase generalizability in hiring and promotion decisions in psychology. Meta-psychology. 2024;8. doi: 10.15626/MP.2023.3695
Bendadani C, Bakhiya N, Bensch K, Berger A, Beyerlein S, Böhm T et al.. Stoffliste des Bundes und der Bundesländer – Unter Mitwirkung von Experten aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Einstufung von Pflanzen/Pflanzenteilen, Pilzen und Algen 2024.
Hausknecht A, Greilhuber I. Stropharia melanospermoides, spec. nova (Strophariaceae). Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde / Austrian journal of Mycology. 2024;30:145-150.
Basanta S, Pavlicev M. The Shifting Role and Regulation of the Corpus Luteum in Vertebrate Reproduction: A Synthetic Review. 2024. doi: 10.20944/preprints202406.0575.v2
Crous PW, Costa MM, Kandemir H, Vermaas M, Vu D, Zhao L et al. Fungal planet description sheets: 1550-1613. Persoonia. 2023 Dec 30;51(2):280-417. Epub 2023 Dec 30. doi: 10.3767/persoonia.2023.51.08
Showing entries 61 - 75 out of 638