Mission Statement

Female scientists are currently underrepresented at the Faculty of Life Sciences, particularly in Biology. The Women in Biology Initiative seeks to understand the underlying causes and to support the careers of female scientists at all levels, from students to professors. Our vision is to equalize the female-male employment status and leadership at the Faculty. 

Upcoming events:

  • The next meeting of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Reading Circle will be on Tuesday, July 2nd at 10:00, in the meeting room 5.091 of the University Biology Building. All genders are encouraged to attend! More information here.
  • The next Female Role Models Seminar will be in Oktober after the summer break.
  • Our next Synchronisation meeting will take place on Friday, September 27th at 9:00 - 10:00.
  • For other events, you can also check our Events & Networking page. We look forward to seeing you!

News & Events


Kirsten Bomblies

October 23rd 2023 - 18:00-19:00

UBB, Seminar Room 4.1


Three WoBio members are organizing an interdisciplinary symposium on human evolution and reproduction


WoBio members were awarded grants by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Leslea J. Hlusko

June 14th 2023 - 10:30-12:00

UBB, Seminar Room 5.1


WoBio members Verena Ibl and Lisa Horn were interviewed by the German newpaper Laborjournal to talk about our initiative


May 4th 2023 - 15:00-18:00

UBB, Lecture Hall 2

Guest speaker: Michaela Gindl