Workshop "Habilitation – an academic ritual"


Registrations for the workshop "Habilitation – an academic ritual" are open

Habilitation is a postdoctoral qualification in several countries and by its peculiarity requires much knowledge and understanding of the academic world and its rituals. In general, women have less access to male-dominated networks and informal information. Hence, this one-day-workshop is designed for female senior postdocs and habilitation candidates with the aim to provide them with concise information about the process and regulation of habilitation and to support them in planning their steps towards a successful habilitation.


  • Significance of the habilitation for an academic career
  • The process of habilitation: prerequisites, requirements and types of habilitation
  • The unwritten rules of habilitation
  • Time management during habilitation

Trainer: Ute Riedler
Language: English
Date & Venue: 26th of January 2023, 9:00 - 17:00, SR 2.18 (block A, 2nd floor)
Target group: Female postdocs at the University of Vienna

Please send your CV and a short abstract (1 page) about your habilitation project until 11th of December 2022 to: femail[at]