Summer Term 2024 Meeting Dates and Times

Meetings last 60 minutes, and will be held in person. 

For students and external people, please meet at 9.55 on the 5th floor, staircase 1 so we can let you in. 

Before participating, please make sure you have read the ground rules so the meetings will be a respectful and safe experience for everyone.

For access to all the readings, other resources, and information for the meetings, please contact Caro Deimel. We will send you a link to a shared folder. 

Meeting number Day of week Dates Time Topic Location Readings
1 Thursday 21.03.2024 10-11AM Introduction, Gender bias in academia 5.091 Meeting Room
2 Thursday 11.04.2024 10-11AM Historical background of gender bias in academia/STEM 5.091 Meeting Room ; Gigerenzer 2022; Rossiter 1993
3 Tuesday 23.04.2024 10-11AM Intersectionality and gender bias 5.091 Meeting Room ; ;
4 Tuesday 07.05.2024 10-11AM Gender bias in productivity, authorship, and peer review 5.091 Meeting Room ; ; ;
5 Tuesday 18.06.2024 10-11AM Gender bias in citations and productivity 5.091 Meeting Room
6 Tuesday 25.06.2024 10-11AM Gender bias in service work 5.091 Meeting Room
7 Tuesday 02.07.2024 10-11AM Gender bias in precarity of academic careers 5.091 Meeting Room

Gigerenzer, Gerd. "The idea of a peculiarly female intelligence: A brief history of bias masked as science." Intelligence in Context: The Cultural and Historical Foundations of Human Intelligence. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. 93-120.

Hanasono, L. K., Broido, E. M., Yacobucci, M. M., Root, K. V., Peña, S., & O'Neil, D. A. (2019). Secret service: Revealing gender biases in the visibility and value of faculty service. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education12(1), 85.

Holman, Luke, Devi Stuart-Fox, and Cindy E. Hauser. "The gender gap in science: How long until women are equally represented?." PLoS biology 16.4 (2018): e2004956.

Huang, Junming, et al. "Historical comparison of gender inequality in scientific careers across countries and disciplines." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.9 (2020): 4609-4616.

Khelifa, Rassim, and Hayat Mahdjoub. "An intersectionality lens is needed to establish a global view of equity, diversity and inclusion." Ecology letters 25.5 (2022): 1049-1054.

Llorens, Anaïs, et al. "Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions." Neuron 109.13 (2021): 2047-2074.

Rossiter, Margaret W. "The Matthew Matilda effect in science." Social studies of science 23.2 (1993): 325-341.

Steinþórsdóttir, F. S., Brorsen Smidt, T., Pétursdóttir, G. M., Einarsdóttir, Þ., & Le Feuvre, N. (2019). New managerialism in the academy: Gender bias and precarity. Gender, Work & Organization26(2), 124-139.

Wu, Cary. "The gender citation gap: Approaches, explanations, and implications." Sociology Compass 18.2 (2024): e13189.