Working group GDEI Reading Circle

Logo of the GDEI reading circle: 
<p>A thick green circle on a square white background. The words

We organize the Gender Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (GDEI) Reading Circle.

Our goal is to engage a larger audience and raise awareness for gender (in)equality and intersecting topics in our work and study environments.

The GDEI-Reading Circle meets regularly to read and discuss papers and articles about gender inequity and related and intersecting topics, with a focus on academic settings and STEM fields. Through the readings and discussions, we want to improve gender equity and counteract sexism in our immediate work and study environments. Information about meeting dates, topics, and readings can be found here. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 2nd.




We are looking for

  • Regular participants in the reading circle (especially if you are not a WoBio member!)
  • Reading circle moderators, who are committing to moderating the discussion for single meetings.
  • Reading circle presenters who will summarize the reading and discussion for the WoBio resources blog for single meetings.
  • If you are a student, this is a great place to get some experience in doing these things, and the working group members can provide help.